Paws Planet

Family Makes A Sign To Stop Their Sneaky Cat From Going Outside

Hubert is an 8-year-old cat who was adopted by his family from a local shelter three months ago. The staff at the shelter said that he was full of personality and spunk. So, when his human met him for the first time, they immediately fell in love with him and decided to bring him home.

“We always describe his personality as that of a grumpy old man who secretly loves and needs attention,” Laci Reamer, Hubert’s mom, said.

The sweet cat moved into Laci Reamer’s house and quickly settled into his new home. Although the shelter said he’d always been an indoor cat, the family noticed that he was obsessed with the great outdoors. For this reason, he was always trying to escape and go play outside whenever he could.

“He tries to escape on the daily,” Reamer said. “He succeeded one time in his escape. We didn’t know until he started walking up the sidewalk! How can you miss a 31-pound cat escaping through your legs at the door? Yes, you read that right! He’s 31 pounds. He’s chunky, but spunky (he is on a diet).”

The family did everything they could to keep him inside, but it did not stop him from trying to escape. Hubert often sat behind the front door of his house and waited for someone new to open it. And then, he would use his poor face to convince them that he was allowed to go outside. So, his family had come up with a hilarious solution: putting up a sign.

“We made the sign because he will truly give anyone that look with those big eyes, like, ‘Please help me. I have things to see and do out there. If you just open that door, I’ll slide right by you,’” Reamer said. “He’s very good at begging, so we wanted to make people aware. We live on a busy street and don’t want him to get hurt!”

Thanks to the sign, Hubert’s extensive escape plans failed. After seeing the sign, visitors try to keep him safe inside, no matter what he does. The family is not trying to ruin his happiness. They are simply worried about his safety because they are living on a busy street, which is not safe for their cat.

Thankfully, his family is trying to let him explore in a much more supervised way. They ordered him a harness and leash to start his outdoor adventures and satisfy his intense love of going outside. He loves his new comfy life and his family so much.

Please share if you love this story, and feel free to let us know your thoughts in the comments.

H/T: The Dodo

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