Paws Planet

Dog Abandoned At Train Station Tied To Suitcase With All Of His Favorite Belongings

A shar-pei crossbreed dog named Kai was found at a railing outside Ayr station along with a luggage bag full of his belongings, including a pillow, favorite toy, a bowl, and food. This poor dog was abandoned by his owner and tied up so he couldn’t run away.

The dog’s abandonment was the result of an attempted sale gone wrong. A woman agreed to buy Kai for $600 from his owner, but he did not look like what was advertised, so she changed her mind. His owner then left the pooch without a word, and, panicked, the woman did too.

Animal officials did everything to find him a forever home. A photo of him was shared on social media, and it went viral. And soon, hundreds of potential adopters offered to raise him. Finally, he was then adopted into a loving home and is now living happily ever after!

Kai’s story is just an example of how cruel some people can be. Maybe his owners are in so much financial distress that they can pay for the cost of raising him. However, if they are good owners, they will responsibly relinquish him. This means ensuring that he has the essentials to survive until he meets a new owner. The best way is to take him to a shelter where he will receive food, drink, and a good foster home. Please share if you agree!

h/t: Newsner

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