Paws Planet

The Top 10 Cute Animals That Can Actually Kill You

The world is filled with adorable animals of all shapes, sizes, and colors. However, we could never have imagined that some of the nicest ones might actually harm us.
If looks could kill then these little guys would already be pretty dangerous, but unfortunately their cuteness isn’t the only thing you need to be wary of.
So, just stay careful the next time you have an encounter with them. Here are 10 cute animals… that could kill you! Scroll down to see and don’t forget to share with your friends and family!

(h/t: Bright Side)

#10. Leopard seal

Although the leopard seal’s normal prey consists of penguins, they are have been known to actively hunt humans. Powerful and curious this is one cute predator you definitely don’t want to take a swim with.

#9. Panda

They look so innocent and helpless that they became a symbol of peace and kindness. However, you’d better not mess with a panda. If you accidentally cross its territory or if it senses danger, a panda can seriously hurt you. Its bearish nature will make itself felt.

#8. Swan

Swans make up a significant part of romantic imagination. We associate them with true love, but didn’t you know that love hurts? Well, these creatures could really damage you. If they feel a threat, they will do their best to protect themselves. So please don’t try to feed them with something tasteless — they’re watching you.

#7. Komodo dragon

Okay, so not everyone thinks Komodo dragons are cute, but those of you who do better watch out. These reptiles have one deadly bite. Their saliva is among the most deadly known to man. It’s not just poison, it’s bacteria. It lives in the dragon’s mouth and transfers to your blood with one bite. Anything bit usually does within 24 hours. No thanks.

#6. Polar bear

White, fluffy, and totally deadly. Most bears are predators, and the polar bear is no exception. They’re not often found living close to humans, and it’s a good thing. These critters will actually stalk you for miles before finally attacking and eating you. Even worse? You might not be dead yet when they start to devour you. Keep your distance.

#5. Lion

Do we really need to say it? Lions are adorable, but they’re also super deadly. There’s a reason they’re known as the King of the Jungle. Once they decide they want you for dinner, there’s little escape. So keep your distance, and if you see one before it sees you, get out of there fast. This isn’t like your kitty cat at home, this big cat will kill you.

So did you learn something? Like cute and approachable do not always go together. Think twice before you touch that fur baby. And remember that not all deadly animals even have fur. Whether it’s scales, feathers, or sleek skin, not all animals want to be our friends. And even those that do can’t be trusted. Some animals carry diseases no human wants to go anywhere near.

#4. Kangaroo

What can be so scary about a jumping, furry creature that carries its baby in a pouch? Certainly these animals can be tamed. Not so fast. Though kangaroos don’t have a direct problem with humans, they do have a problem with our dogs. If you take your dog for a walk and spot one of these animals, don’t let your puppy get too close. The kangaroo will attack, and often people get caught in the middle.

#3. Moose

They look a little goofy, lovable, and a whole lot of cuddly. But if you see one, don’t give them a reason to charge you. These animals are massive, and if they think you’re coming after them, they’ll bring their full weight down on you. They don’t even need to bite you, they can just trample you to death. Nice thought, huh?

#2. Dolphin

Dolphins are agile, majestic and highly intelligent. They can also be giant jerks and kill other animals for sport. Not only have there been reports of these guys harassing humans, but they’ve been known to drown sharks by using their snouts to hit them in the gills or stomach. Ouchies!

#1. Slow loris

Those eyes… awwww! Slow Loris’ are normally very placid, but you wouldn’t want to get on their bad side. They can release venom from the side of their elbows, which when mixed with their saliva, can cause death by anaphylactic shock.

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