When you decide you need a pet in your life, you have two main ways to get it: buying it or adopting it from an animal shelter. Both are great decisions, but there is no doubt about the fact that adopting a pet can be one of the most rewarding experiences a person can have, and it’s the best thing that can happen to shelter animals. Adoption means giving them a second chance to live a life full of love and attention.
It’s incredible how much of a difference it makes for pets when they are adopted.
From sad faces in cramped cells to wide smiles on king-size beds, you can see the happiness shining out of his eyes, which comes only from a pup who knows he has a forever home. For proof, just look at the expressions on these new pets’ faces before and after they were adopted. They’ll melt your heart.
Take a look at these 20 precious cats and dogs who truly prospered after finding a forever home.
#1. “No one wanted to adopt him because of his cropped ears and ’scary’ looking face. Now Bronco is always smiling, and loved by everyone he meets.”

#2. “Archie has found his forever home. We couldn’t love him more.”

#3. “Took in this sweet angel when I heard she was about to be tossed in the garbage by a breeder for being a runt. 4 months later, and Yumi is the most playful, loving, and healthy gal.”

#4. “The night we found him on the street vs 1 week after adoption”

#5. “Before I got Blade he was never allowed inside the house and didn’t know what toys were, a year later and he’s the happiest pup ever!”

#6. “Before I got Blade he was never allowed inside the house and didn’t know what toys were, a year later and he’s the happiest pup ever!”

#7. “Our boy in the intake cage at the Humane Society, and after a month of finally being at home.”

#8. Rah and Luna, from “Dumpster kitties to sitting pretty!”

#9. “September to today. What a fluffy difference.”

#10. “My beautiful girl Dani the day we adopted her vs Almost one year later. She is the happiest derp. And I love her SO much.”

#11. “6 months ago > now. She’s so much braver than the day I brought her home, and is full of cuddles.”

#12. “Little Prue before and after having her own queen-size bed (my bed)”

#13. “Meet Lupita, she went from a 2-month-old rat hunter to a 9-month-old cable chewer.”

#14. “Found my poor sweet bub wandering my side of the mountain with his brother while on a 4-mile hike. Almost a year later and he’s the happiest boy. My coworker found his brother a loving home as well!”

#15. From peasant to Queen

#16. “This is Jemma! The left pic is at 2 years old when I adopted her. She weighs less than 5 pounds. The right pic is from 3 years later, at nearly double the weight. ”

#17. “My friend rescued this sweet girl from being put down over a minor skin condition.

#18. “It’s been 4 months since I caught Marley and her puppies. She had been abandoned and it took me 3 months to gain her trust. She seems to know everything’s going to be alright now.”

#19. “He was stinky, matted, had overgrown nails, and was malnourished. We couldn’t let that happen! We took him in, screened applications, and found him his forever home!”

#20. From sitting in a cage to becoming a front-seat passenger. Just look at how his eyes have changed.