We all know cats behave good while we, the owners are in the house. But, as soon as we leave they do stuff they know they shouldn’t. They usually get away with it as we don’t see them, but there are times when we do.
Here are some of our favourite feline funny moments to give you. What are your cats mischievous tales?
#1. This jerk who pushed his human into the pool.

#2. And this one who did the same thing to his brother.

#3. This cat who can’t even let the little girl LEARN and do homework.

#4. And this cat who’s only sorry because he got caught.

#5. This jerk who ruined prime yoga content.

#6. This cat who doesn’t even use the bed his human gave him.

#7. This kitten who won’t let his parents make the bed.

#8. This girl who doesn’t know how to be civilized in public.

#9. This cat who got all sketchy and shit, just to run past the dog.
#10. This cat who attacked a rotisserie chicken while he was grooming.