Paws Planet

Woman Takes Nearly 100 Stray Dogs Into Her Home As Hurricane Dorian Rages Outside

Hurricane Dorian is a strong tropical cyclone currently affecting the Bahamas and the Southeastern United States. This is one of the most powerful storms to ever hit the Bahamas, leaving a trail of extreme destruction in its wake. It has resulted in at least seven deaths and the destruction of 13,000 houses and structures.

Image credits: Chella Phillips

Image credits: Chella Phillips

After ripping through the Bahamas, Hurricane Dorian is inching toward the southeast coast of the US. Hubert Minnis, the prime minister of the Bahamas, said on Monday that the islands were “in the midst of a historic tragedy,” with “unprecedented and extensive” damage.

Image credits: Chella Phillips

Amid the human suffering and loss that these natural disasters cause, animals are often forgotten. Nobody can imagine how traumatic these creatures were when the hurricane hit, especially those that have already been abandoned. Thankfully, one kind woman and her brother opened their home to 97 homeless and abandoned dogs.

Image credits: Chella Phillips

Chella is an animal lover who runs a rescue called The Voiceless Dogs of Nassau, Bahamas. She is not an official rescue shelter or organization, and she doesn’t receive any kind of help from the government. However, she just wants to help the homeless dogs and show them the love they deserve.

Image credits: Chella Phillips

Instead of leaving poor dogs out on the streets to face the hurricane alone, Chella rescued them and took them to her home. She takes care of them until she can find a rescue willing to help her with them.

Here’s Chella post on Facebook

97 dogs are inside my house and 79 of them are inside my master bedroom.It has been insane since lastnight, poop and…

Posted by Chella Phillips on Sunday, September 1, 2019

Thank you to this hero for saving these helpless dogs. Let’s hope the hurricane passes soon and all of these dogs can get through it safe and go on to find the forever homes and families they deserve!

If you want to help Chella and stray dogs, you can click here to donate.

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