Paws Planet

Tiny Kitten Has The Best Reaction When She Meets Her New Dog Siblings

In our previous posts, we said that meeting someone for the first time can be an extremely memorable experience, and animals are no exception. They will not hesitate to show their reactions to the first meeting. The cat in this story may be a tiny kitten, but she is a fighter because she knows how to make a big first impression when she meets her dog siblings.


Her name is Nimbus. She was adopted by Sam Gerth when she was barely old enough to open her eyes. Gerth’s girlfriend found her when she was on her way home. The white kitten was covered in dirt and oil from the road, so she took the kitten home and gave her a bath to clean her up.


“We gave her a bath in the sink to try to clean her up a little bit, and then we turned on our space heater and let her rest in front of it because she was shivering and cold,” Gerth told The Dodo. “She ended up falling asleep in my hand for about 45 minutes in front of the heater.”

At first, the couple didn’t want to add Nimbus to their family because they already had two dogs and two other cats. They decided to keep her separated from the other animals until she recovered and was ready to find her own forever home.


However, the little kitten had made a very big first impression, and the couple decided to adopt her. “She very quickly stole our hearts, so that made that decision pretty easy,” Gerth said. “After a day or two, we decided it was time to introduce her to the family.”


When Nimbus met the big dogs for the first time, she proved how brave she was. She drew herself up to her full height and fluffed out all her fur to make herself as scary as possible. And of course, the large dogs quickly knew who was boss in their house.


“She definitely is a brave little kitty!” Gerth said. “She stood her ground to every dog and animal she met!”

However, there is one dog named Zep who loves everyone he meets and is happy to snuggle and comfort Nimbus. The cats took a little longer to accept her, but within a few days, they became best friends. “They now get along great and play all the time,” Gerth said.


Nimbus is now living a wonderful life with her parents and her siblings in their loving home. “She is a quirky little goofball and has a personality 10 times her size,” her dad said.

Please share this story with your friends and family!

h/t:The Dodo

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