Paws Planet

Stray Dog Always Brings Gifts To Local Woman Who Feeds Him Every Day

Helping animals, especially poor animals is a great way to give them a better life that they deserve. For this reason, an animal lover named Orawan Kaewla-iat in Thailand has dedicated her life to feeding homeless dogs near her home. She just wants to help animals in need and never thinks that her simple act can create a big surprise.

Touched by Orawan’s kind heart, one of stray puppies named Tua Plu came up with an amazing way to repay her kindness. Every day, the smart stray dog brings a gift in his mouth to bring to her. However, some people think that he offers the gift to Orawan as if he’s making a trade with her. Instead of getting the bowls of rice for free, without having to pay a dime, Tua Plu always comes bearing a gift in exchange.

“When he’s hungry, he will offer something to get fed,” Orawan Kaewla-iat wrote on Facebook. “Every day he shows up with an object in his mouth — usually a leaf and sometimes a piece of paper. Before you feed other dogs, you have to feed Tua Plu and his mom.”

Orawan’s post with a little video of Tua Plu in action has spread across the web and melted admirers’ hearts all around the world. Many people even asked how they could adopt the sweet and smart dog Tua Plu.

Here’s video of the polite pup in action.

Thankfully, a few people have offered to adopt Tua Plu and his mom. Finally, they found a loving forever home and a good owner who will be a very lucky owner and can expect to be showered with daily gifts. What a good boy!

Please share this story with your friends and family members!

More info: Facebook

h.t: boredpanda

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