Paws Planet

Some People Complained About Stray Cat Hanging Around Law Firm, So They Decided To Make Him A Lawyer

One of the biggest problems we face in many countries throughout the world is the stray animal population. While so many individuals and organizations work hard to help these animals, not everyone is so fond of them.

Image credits: DrJeanette Laredo

After a heavy rain, a stray cat named Leon decided to seek shelter to avoid the storm. He went inside the Order of Attorneys of Brazil and made it his new home. However, when the friendly cat started to approach guests of the building, some of them got angry and began filing complaints about the cat being in the reception area. They said that the kitten was in the way, and there was no space for him in a serious institution.

Image credits: DrJeanette Laredo

However, the OAB came up with a fantastic solution to stop these complaints. They hired the cat as a lawyer and gave him an employee badge. The cat will be responsible for welcoming the newcomers, whether they like it or not. When Dr. Jeanette Laredo shared the good news on social media, it quickly went viral.

Image credits: DrJeanette Laredo

Now Dr. Leon the lawyer Cat is famous and even has his own Instagram page, where more than 50,000 people follow him to learn about his adventures and animal law.

Image credits: DrJeanette Laredo

“We are finalizing the documents to launch an animal rights institute. It’s called Instituto Dr. Leon. Unfortunately, we cannot house all [the animals], so we will fund the NGOs in town. We will be an example for Brazil [to follow].”

Image credits: DrJeanette Laredo

“Today, he is very dear to everyone. Even those didn’t like him got used to his presence and had fun with him. His favorite place is President Auriney’s sofa; he loves to play with his toys,” the lawyer cat’s representatives explained, also adding that the employee is fed regular cat food.

Image credits: DrJeanette Laredo

Thanks to the help and love of the Office of Attorneys, Dr. Leon has a second chance at living a full and happy life. Share this with all of your cat-loving friends, and don’t forget to let us know your thoughts in the comments!

More info: Instagram (Dr. Leon) | Instagram (Auriney Brito)

h.t: boredpanda

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