A dog is more than just a pet. They are true friends, trustful companions, and adorable family members. Some dogs are even professionally trained to do human jobs, dental therapy dogs, for instance. These furry guys deserve to be treated in the way they were supposed to be.
Every dog is a good dog. They should have a happy family where they are truly loved and cared for. Luckily, there are many kind people out there that are ready to do the best for their dogs.
A Facebook challenge named “I Did It For My Dog” comes for this reason. It’s where dog owners show off the coolest things that they have ever done for their doggy friends. And it has had over 1 million dog lovers who share videos and pictures of their dogs.
And these dogs can’t hide their happiness and excitement when seeing the gift from their humans. We’ve rounded up 20 of the best submissions to the challenge in this post. Doggy spaces in cars, doggy playgrounds, doggy photoshoots, or doggy dinners are enough to make the day for these dogs. Let’s check them out!
#1. We changed our car to a 4Runner because of its rear window that rolls down. My husband also took out the back seat to make more room for our 2 Goldens Jake & Zoey.

#2. In that short time he motivated me to quit my job, invest all my savings, and sacrifice everything – my boyfriend and I kept saying, “How can the three of us be together all the time?” And that’s how’s ‘Romero’s K9 Club & Tap House’ came to be

#3. I had my boyfriend cut a hole in my fence & put down a platform so my dog could still watch the kids play out front, see the other dogs walking by & get visits from his favorite mailman

#4. We move into my first home in less than two weeks after I had saved for roughly 11 years. We close on December 10th.

#5. My parents dog Fiona likes to stick her head in between the rungs of the porch, so naturally when they redid the porch, they had the contractor add a special little touch for her!

#6. Graduation. Birthday parties for Pancake. Dog Beach. Costume parties. Living her best life despite her being pure evil. Truly my best friend.

#7. We removed the pool and gave the doggie babies 2 activity centers

#8. He liked laying on hard floors instead of the carpet or couch so much that he would rather sleep on our son’s play table. We made him his own floor.

#9. My boys are getting a bit older and they don’t enjoy camping as much because of the cold, hard ground. The natural solution: buy a cargo van and convert it. Needless to say, they love it.

#10. Moved our bedroom to the downstairs and smooshed a king and queen bed together and threw a twin at the end for good measure to have optimal room for our pets to sleep with us

#11. That’s a planter box hanging from her side window

#12. My partner and I built this ramp for our full length set of stairs so our two poms Chewie and Yoda could get up and down with ease.

#13. I wanted a job that I could bring Daze to work with me every day so I got my dog grooming certification, opened my own business, and named it after her

#14. My house has a dog door downstairs but I could see it was getting harder and harder for him to access it. So I put one upstairs and also built him a ramp to go with it.

#15. We really did put land and a fenced yard at the top of our list so she would be certain to get enough exercise to make her happy and keep her healthy even if we were too busy to do a long walk some days.

#16. Einstein is very pleased with the space and is always tuckered out by the end of the day

#17. Bought a whole new house after my girl had double acl surgery 2 wks apart bc she couldn’t do stairs anymore and there was not ONE way into my home that didn’t have stairs and I had been sleeping in the basement with her for months!

#18. I did this for my puppy Loki, built him a custom made kennel for when im at work, otherwise hes an indoor dog,

#19. My pups very own dog room…

#20. I did this for my dog and I’d do it again if I ever needed too. My dogs are my world and I would do ANYTHING for them