Paws Planet

Need To Train Your Husky? Go Get Your Girlfriend A Cute Doggo Onesie First!

A video of Husky training has gone viral recently because of its funny method. A guy had to ask his girlfriend to wear a really cute dog onesie to have successful training. He easily taught his dog how to stand, sit, lay, or high-five with the “human dog” first. After watching the “demo,” the Husky will know what to do with all his orders.

To have successful training, don’t forget to reward your “human dog” as well. By doing that, your husky will realize that following orders means treats. This will make your training much easier.

Other than training your Husky, you can utilize this technique to train your girlfriend or boyfriend as well. Recording their activities and posting them on their birthday can give everybody a decent giggle and, additionally, an exquisite memory.

If you like this video, please share it with your friends and family!

A guy had to ask his girlfriend to wear a really cute dog onesie to have a successful training.

After watching the “demo”, the Husky will know what to do with all his orders.

Sit order can never be this easy!

And don’t forget the rewards!

Watch the video here!

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