Paws Planet

Man Wasn’t A Cat Person Until He Met A Tiny Abandoned Kitten

Josh wasn’t a cat guy, so he never thought he would be snuggling and cuddling with a cat. However, things quickly changed when he met and rescued a tiny, abandoned kitten near his house.

A few months ago, Josh and his aunt found a newborn kitten with no mom in sight. As soon as Josh’s aunt picked the kitten up, the baby started making a little noise. They quickly took him inside and cared for him.

The kitten might be abandoned or separated from his mother, so Josh wanted to keep him. However, everyone told him, “Don’t bathe him, don’t take him inside, leave him for the mom, the mom will come back.” Although he didn’t want, he had to leave the kitten overnight.

Josh couldn’t sleep that night, so he woke up early to check out the poor baby. Sadly, his mom didn’t come back, so Josh called his aunt and brought the baby back inside.

The kitten was too young to live without his mom’s care, so he decided to share his story on social media to look for help. Luckily, people gave him the right people to talk to. He contacted and took the kitten to the Pasadena Humane Society, where he was properly cared for.

Josh never expected that he would become a cat dad, but finally, he decided to adopt the kitten and named it Smokey. At first, he didn’t think he could do that, but once he started fostering the kitten, he realized that he fell in love with the baby. Now Josh and Smokey are inseparable, and they can’t live without each other.

Watch the full story in the video below:

Tiny Abandoned Kitten Gets Spoiled By His New Dad

This guy had no idea he was a cat person until he met this kitten ❤️

Posted by The Dodo on Monday, October 28, 2019

If you love Smokey, you can follow him on Instagram. Do you like this sweet story? Feel free to share it with your friends and family members!

H/t: The Dodo

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