Paws Planet

Lost Dog Living On Street Cries With Joy When His Owner Finally Finds Him

A man named Giorgio Bereziani from Tbilisi, Georgia, lost his lovely dog Jorge three years ago. He tried to find his companion, but to no avail, and he thought he would never see his beloved dog again until one day he got a call about a dog that resembled his pet a lot.

Mr. Bereziani got to the place as fast as he could in hopes of finding his long-lost friend. He saw a dog curled up on the sidewalk. He called out Jorge’s name when he approached the dog, and what followed was one of the most emotional reunions we’ve witnessed. The dog looks up and, after a pause of a few seconds, recognizes his long-lost owner. Jorge cries out and hugs Mr. Bereziani, throwing his front paws around him and whimpering in disbelief.

No one knows for certain how Jorge managed to endure those years on the street living as a stray, but perhaps, like his owner, he was sustained by the hope that they’d one day be together again. There’s so much love and tenderness in that final shot. I’m so happy they found each other again. They must be so relieved to be back together once more.

A man GIORGI Bereziani from Tbilisi, Georgia had lost his lovely dog Jorge three years ago.


He tried to find his companion but to no avail and he thought he would never see his beloved dog again until one day he got a call about a dog resembled his pet a lot.


He saw a dog curled up on the sidewalk, he called out Jorge’s name when he approached the dog and what followed was one of the most emotional reunions we’ve witnessed.


The dog looks up and after a pause of a few seconds recognizes his long-lost owner. Jorge cries out and hugs Mr Bereziani, throwing his front paws around him and whimpering in disbelief.


No one knows for certain how Jorge managed to endure those years on the street living as a stray, but perhaps, like his owner, he was sustained by the hope that they’d one day be together again.


There’s so much love and tenderness in that final shot. I’m so happy they found each other again. They must be so relieved to be back together once more.


Jorge’s reaction when he hears his owner’s voice for the first time in three years is amazing. He sounds like he’s crying. What a touching, heartfelt moment to watch. Watch the video here!

h/t: The Dodo

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