We all know tigers and dogs are not naturally best friends, but the story today will destroy those stereotypes. Friendships can be formed in the most interesting ways. Especially when it comes to unlikely friendships, animals never cease to amaze us.

This is the amazing friendship that has developed between three German shepherds Blacky, Hugo, and Jenny and two endangered Siberian tigers Suria and Sunny. They are living at a wildlife sanctuary called Oasis in Slovakia, where they protect Siberian tigers and breed them peacefully.

The Oasis was founded by Yveta Irsova in 1999, and since then, 23 tigers were born here. And now, it is home to 28 tigers contributing to a small genetic pool.

The Siberian tiger Suria has lived in Oasis since she was bred there among other cubs. The German shepherds were born around the same time as Suria and they met each other for the first time when they were all babies.

Since then, three dogs are inseparable from big cat Suria and her young new cub, Sunny. They play together all day long, and sometimes getting quite rowdy as the group play-fight and chase after each other excitedly. However, they never cause any harm to their friends.

“The dogs are almost same age as Suria and have grown up together. They spend most of the time together,” Martin Ziman, volunteer at the Oasis said. “They are really like siblings and play together all day long. They never hurt each other.”

“It is nice to see it all and it is so amazing when you are so near these beautiful animals. Suria plays with the dogs everyday and they just love her. I love animals and love the oasis – it’s a great project to help these tigers that are facing extinction,” said Lucia Zustakova, one of the volunteers at the sanctuary.
Watch the video here!
If you love their friendship, don’t forget to share this with all of your friends and family!
H/T: Majestic Animals