Paws Planet

15+ Flexible Cats Who Can Fit Literally Anywhere

Cats are known for being quick, powerful, and flexible. Whoever has a cat at home will know clearly how they push the laws of flexibility to the limit. Their flexibility is so great that it makes us wonder whether they have bones or not. Either way, cats, just like liquids, can fit anywhere. So it is not surprising that they can be spotted in weird and unusual positions.

No matter what happens, cats still fill our hearts with unconditional love and great happiness. That’s the reason why we would like to share 17 pics of flexible cats with you. These pics will prove that cats defy all the rules of flexibility in a really weird way. Take a look at them for yourself!

1. “Looks comfortable, I guess…”

2. Filled to the brim!

3. Say hello to Dixie, the liquid cat.

4. “Liquids take shape of their containers. This is my cat.”

5. “If it fits, I sits.”

6. “Bowlful of cat”

7. A sink full of soap… Wait a minute!

8. “What are you looking at? Do you mind? I’m trying to take a nap here…”

9. “Karen, I’m feeling pretty relaxed here.”

10. “Hide and seek on a new level”

11. “If it flips, I flops!”

12. “I think someone’s got the wrong bed…”

13. Perfect sleeping spot in the window

14. “Well, Halloween is coming up. 3 black cats in a pot? This can’t be good…”

15. “Not sure how comfortable this is, but he looks pretty happy!”

16. “Where are my gifts, Steve?”

17. “You’ll have to find a new spot to wash your hands, friend.”

Do you have any kittens at home? Do they love hanging out and resting in extremely weird positions as well? Do you dare to share their pics with us? Feel free to share your comments and pictures with us in the comments below! If you love this article, please share it with your friends and family members!

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