Paws Planet

10+ Cats Who Act Like They Are Always Hungry

As you know, cats are smart creatures who can learn everything quickly. If you feed them around the same time every day, they will know when it’s mealtime. They will meow, cry, and stare at you until you put food in their bowls. However, when they are hungry, they can be quite demanding that they be served.

According to a user on social media, “What I love about cats is how they, collectively, as a species, have never been fed, ever”. Cats are little liars who can do everything to have food. But unfortunately, their protests of enfeeblement are not always to be believed.

#1. “I would like a food please. Look at my hungry belly”

#2. “Empty bowl”

#3. “Five years of starvation and cruelty has driven Meg to putting herself into a coffin. 😥”

#4. “this is how my cat sees himself in the morning before I give him food”

#5. “You’ve slept in 30 whole minutes, I’m seconds away from death.”

#6. “I don’t know when I decided my cats talk like Victorian orphans but I’m liking it”

#7. “Madeleine can see the light. 11 years old and never fed once.”

#8. “What is love?”

#9. “All eyes on me as I go into the kitchen where rumor has it, there’s food in there.”

#10. “Wasting away from 14 years of starvation”

#11. “Weak from hunger. Never been fed. Mysteriously Large, however.”

#12. “this guy is always starving, I have apparently not fed him for his entire life”

#13. “Cecil stares at an empty plate, longing for meals he’s never been given, wondering when his suffering will end”

#14. “My Ted’s not angry about my starving him, just disappointed.”

#15. “My Ted’s not angry about my starving him, just disappointed.”

If you have a cat who has “never” been fed, please share her/ his pics with us in comments below!

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