Paws Planet

10+ Cats Who Are So Purrfect That They Deserve The Title “Kitten Of The Year”

We all know that cats never stop amazing us with their looks and actions. When people try to give them perfect, expensive, and precious gifts, they will ignore them and choose the simple things. They are sometimes so weird that we think they are creatures from a completely different planet. But no matter what they do, they are still our great furry friends who can completely change our lives. And that is why we love them so much.

If you’re looking for something more on the cute side, then these fantastic cute cats and precious kittens are just what the doctor ordered. We want you to take a look at these perfect cats and choose the best one among them. However, we believe that all of them deserve the title “Kitten of the Year.”.

Scroll down to check it out!

#1. Hug me!

#2. “This cat is not fat,” they said. “He’s just fluffy,” they said

#3. Just a random lovely picture of a cat and a peg

#4. She grows up and the ink becomes clearer

#5. Moth-hunting army

#6. Precious stills of a panicking cat

#7. The way this cat sits makes us feel uncomfortable

#8. Meanwhile, this cat watches guy behind the fence like this

#9. Sleeping habit of a black cat

#10. How to charge meow up

#11. Just look at how aesthetic cats can be in a laundry machine

#12. A royal cat caught in an embarrassing pose. “We’ve all had those down time,” says catto

#13. Just a friendly greeting

#14. OMG, I’m in a ride with my hooman!

#16. How does it feel when a cat condescendingly question your legibility as a decent human being with its stare?

#17. Yeah, me and my sausage bod did that

#18. Cat home alone


Which cat deserves the title “Kitten of the Year” in your opinion? If you have your own candidates, please share their photos with us in the comments!

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