Paws Planet

30+ Cute Chunky Animal Illustrations That Will Make Your Day

Chubby or chunky animals always have charisma that make us love at first sight. They look so cute even when they try to act seriously. Their actions are mainly explained in two directions: adorable or hilarious. And looking at the pics of these animals may raise your mood, making your day brighter. With this mind, an illustrator named Annada Menon draws 31 cute illustrations of chunky animals. We’ve rounded them up to and are glad to share you guys.

The size of the animals in these illustrations may be different from the real one you normally see. The chubby appearance makes them look more gentle, trustful and patient. These “chubby” versions can also give you a new outlook on animals. They are still cute even when do not maintain their average weight. Fox, horse, bear, penguin, cat, lion, bird, chicken and many other animals are impressively illustrated here. As kids love animals, why don’t you show your children these photos? My kids and I really get hooked into pics. Let’s scroll down to enjoy!

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