Cats, man. They are weirdos who do lots of strange things.
#1 Such as putting effort into opening a door when there is a cat door readily available
#2 Or sleeping with a paper bag on their head, and being moody about its removal
#3 They will see an expanse of space and decide to face the wall
#4 Like????
#6 Everyone loves pancakes, except cats, apparently
#7 And pickles can be downright insulting
#8 And they can enjoy licking ice, but WATER? Screw water
#9 Only a cat would venture to use the tiny space available on either side of a full coffee cup
#10 Or the ever-so-gently protruding space on a car door handle

Senior Cat Tells His Humans He Loves Them Every Waking Moment After Being Saved From Years of Neglect