in Dogs 20+ Photos Of Pets Dozing Off That Will Fill You With Smiles November 27, 2020, 8:27 am 1.8k Views 16. “Just look to see who sleeps first. I can’t be the loser.” 17. “I can’t stand the cool weather out. My eyes start closing. I wanna sleep for a while.” 18. “A perfect place to play hide and seek and take a catnap, too.” 19. “I just feel much comfortable when laying down in your balm. Dozing off is understandable, right?” 20. “I stayed up late last night, so now I can’t open my eyes.” 21. “I’m still ready for the right while sleeping for a while. You understand?” 22. “Nothing is better than take a nap at any place you like.” 23. “I’m chilling on the balcony but suddenly I doze off. Sleep right on this rack.” 24. “One eye opens, one eye closes. I doze off.” 25. “When you’re on the way of the sleep, you doze off.” 26. “I dozed off and my mom snapped a photo to note me. What a sneaky mom!” 27. “I do not doze off, I just fall asleep. Just look! My eyes still open.” 28. “What time is it, mom? I’m so asleep now.” Page 2 of 2Previous 12Next post