Nature is filled with odd friendships between animals. These unusual friendships show that animals have emotions and are capable of feeling love and compassion just like we do. They can even form stronger connections than humans do, and these bonds can last a lifetime.
In our previous posts, we have mentioned unusual animal friendships in the animal kingdom that show us that no boundaries exist between friends. So, in this post, we would like to share with you new photos of very unexpected yet awesome friendships.
Scroll down to see, and don’t forget to share with your friends!
#1. Another person, from Ohio, snapped this picture of a happy piglet snuggling up on a blanket with his fawn friend

#2. Cuddling up! One pet lover, from New York, managed to capture the moment their two-month-old chihuahua Lundy, made friends with one of its resident pigeons

#3. Piggy back! One raccoon and a chihuahua hugged warmly for an adorable picture capturing their unlikely friendship

#4. Kiss me quick! A giraffe, living in captivity in the UK, dipped her head put of her enclosure to give this raccoon a smooch

#5. Nap time! In this adorable picture, shared by a person believed to be from India, a kitten curled up with an owl as they went to sleep

#6. A cheeky adult elephant posed with his black labrador friend as the duo enjoyed a bath before playtime

#7. The Sheldrick Trust, based in Kenya, shared this adorable snap of an ostrich and an elephant relaxing together in a field

#8. One British man shared this adorable snap of a cat keeping his injured dog friend company while relaxing in the sun

#9. The fox and hound! One adorable pooch and his unlikely vixen friend appeared overjoyed as they were papped for this heart-melting photograph

#10. Finding a place to rest! One person managed to capture a dawn and a cat showing off their friendship

#11. Meanwhile an adorable leopard cub and Labrador puppy rolled around in the grass as they enjoyed playtime together

#12. Great! Adorable friendship of a loving dog and his chicks best friends

#13. People from around the world have shared pictures of unlikely animal friendships, with one pet owner, from South Carolina, sharing this heart-melting picture of his dog next to his duckling friend

#14. Bea the Giraffe and Wilma the Ostrich

#15. Torque the Dog and Shrek the Owl