Paws Planet

10+ Pics Of Animals That Hate Taking Baths Or Getting Wet

Many pets, especially dogs and cats, are notorious for hating water. Although they might like to swim or play in puddles, that doesn’t mean they love taking baths. Getting wet causes their coat to become matted, and sometimes you even can’t recognize them because of their wet fur. But the truth is, most pets will go from cute to cuter when wet!

Paws Planet has collected some of the funniest photos of wet animals to share with you. These pics are guaranteed to make your day brighter and even put a smile on your face. So scroll down to see and vote on your favorite! Get ready for some shocking before and after shots!

1. When you wake up vs After your first cup of coffee

2. “I gave my Pomeranian a bath …and he went full meerkat.”

3. A few drops of water and you have yourself an alien.

4. “Pepper loves baths, you can just tell.”

5. “My friend gave her pet chicken ’Marshmallow’ a bath. I don’t think he liked it.”

6. This one’s having a ruff day.

7. “Not sure what to think about bath time.”

8. “Meet Minko”

9. Rage level: Extreme

10. Someone is not amused.

11. “Walter the Rabbit, getting his first bath”

12. “All of them are disappointed.”

13. “Why hooman?”

14. The face of betrayal

15. “My friend’s special cat is taking a bath.”

Do your pets enjoy bath time or getting wet? Share your answer with us. If you have some before and after pictures of your pets, post them below in the comments. We’ll be waiting!

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