Paws Planet

10+ Photos That Prove Cats Can Bond With People Just Like Dogs Do

Cats often get a bad reputation, mostly because they seem a little aloof, unfriendly, and utterly nonplussed by humans. That’s the reason why people prefer to own dogs to cats. However, scientists at Oregon State University conducted a study and showed that cats can form strong bonds with their caregivers — just like dogs do. What this means is that no matter how sassy or aloof cats are, they can form emotional attachments to their owners in the same way children bond with parents.

Today, we bring you a list of photos featuring some of the most loving cats ever. Not only are these cats adorable, they can give you some love and make you feel good. Scroll down to enjoy!

1. “Rate my new phone holder.”

2. “My rescue cat assuring my recently adopted pup that she will be all right and is now in a home full of love.”

3. “Got a second cat to keep the first one company while we were gone. This is the result.”

4. “My roommate is very polite.”

5. “10 months ago my dad said we couldn’t keep it.”

6. “I sprained my ankle, so my cat decided to elevate her paws in solidarity.”

7. “Had trouble finding the cat, gave up, then checked on my daughter…”

8. “Wondering if she likes me…”

9. “Somebody told me that Bengals aren’t good cats to cuddle with. Khari thinks differently.”

10. “My girlfriend’s cats hold paws while they sleep.”

11. “My big orange lad enjoys when my classes get cancelled!”

12. “My big cat hugging his little kitty sister!”

13. “She meows until I hold her. Then she falls asleep.”

14. “My cat comes downstairs at 11 P.M. every night to fall asleep like this on my dad (a self-proclaimed dog person).”

15. “Looks like my niece will be sleeping soundly for this trip.”

Do you have a sweet cat? We love to read your stories and see your photos, so if you have any, share them with us in the comments below!

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