Usually when you look at a dog, you see a stalwart companion who is there to help you protect your family and home. But what would you do if you found out that your pets were afraid of cats? Perhaps dogs are guys with muscles that could make a Marvel superhero jealous, but curl into a tiny ball and weep like a girl at the sight of the tiniest spider.
Cats are typically smaller and less social than dogs. But, ask anyone with experience with cats and they can tell you that an angry cat is terrified. The sudden attacks of a sock pile. The knocking things from heights just to watch them fall.
Below you’ll find a collection of adorable pictures and videos featuring cats scaring dogs with their steely stares, terrifying displays of kitty teeth, and ninja style paw flinging.
By looking at some of these dogs, many would find it hard to believe they are fraidy cats at heart, especially the bigger dogs.
Scroll down and enjoy! Don’t forget to share these cute pictures and videos with your friends and your family!

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