Paws Planet

10+ Cute Stories And Photos From Dog Owners That Will Make Your Day More Colorful

We love our pets for a whole bunch of reasons. They are sweet creatures who bring so much love and joy into our lives. But perhaps most importantly, they’re the world’s best companions. They will always listen and offer us different benefits. They make us feel good by returning the trust and love we give them. Moreover, scientists have shown that owning a pet, especially a dog, is good for humans’ physical and mental health.

To honor our canine friends, we’ve collected some stories and photos from dog owners to share with you and show you how great our dogs are. We are sure that these stories and photos will help to put a smile on your face and make your day better. Scroll down to check it out for yourself and choose your favorite pics!

1. “My dog looks like she’s proud of what she did.”

2. “My dog intentionally fake coughs to get more attention. If this isn’t intelligent behavior, I don’t know what is.”

3. “I bought it to go on hikes. She hates me.”

4. “As a maintenance tech at an apartment complex, I don’t enter an apartment that has a dog if no one is home…except for Brutus. Brutus just wants to help.”

5. Because it’s comfortable.

6. “It was at this moment I realized I was powerless against this dog…”

7. It’s as if this Pomeranian came from your nightmares!

8. When you try to discipline a husky:

9. “My best friend’s first and most likely last camping trip. He’s still alive! Just too old to go adventuring.”

10. “Good boy cosplay”

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