Paws Planet

10+ Cute Dog Photos To Put You In An Instant Good Mood

Dogs are awesome and special creatures. Not only do they give our lives joy and happiness, but they also provide us with unconditional love and great companionship. They enrich our lives, make us smile, and are always there for us, no matter what. So it is not surprising that they have become our best friends. And of course, we feel happy when we live with them. Even when they do something silly and crazy, we still feel happy and love them so much.

If you are in a bad mood and want to improve it to feel more optimistic and uplifted, you can try to take a look at these funny dog photos below. Bad days happen to everyone, but never let a bad day make you feel bad about yourself. Scroll down to enjoy!

1. I was working the night shift and the wife sent this.

2. “If I don’t see the doctor, she doesn’t exist!”

3. Small pupper, small teef…

4. The second before the word “go”

5. When your human takes you to work:

6. “Meet Sofie. If she goes outside we shut the door and she hates it. So she keeps her butt inside to prevent this while she birdwatches.”

7. “Maybe I shouldn’t have outsourced my homeschooling…”

8. “My dog never misses an opportunity to eat!”

9. This is how he sits:

10. “My dog has become liquid.”

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