Cats are the most possessive kind of animals. Those who are cat person exactly knows the consequences of ignoring their cats. Your pet wont allow you to do your daily routine if they have this feeling that you are not giving them their desired expected attention.
Following are the cats who were not getting the proper attention hence they decided to do it on their own. Lets see how they managed to get their share of love and attention.
Via: Purrworld
#1 She won’t let you do your work unless you talk to her first.

#2 “You wanna play with me?”

#3 “I am noticing the ignorance.”

#4 “You ain’t watching the TV tonight unless you talk to me first.”

#5 “Don’t pretend to be sleeping when you are not.”

#6 “You’ll remain thirsty unless I get my attention.”

#7 “I am not leaving you even when you are busy.”

#8 “See I can perform in circus too.”

#9 “If you can’t give me attention then just cook me and eat me up.”

#10 “I can be your wiper if need be.”