Paws Planet

10+ Animals Who’ve Lost All Sense of Shame

We all know animals can be mischievous, especially dogs and cats. They get us into trouble with their stupid actions and never experience guilt or shame about these crimes. They will get what they want and don’t care about any rules you’ve tried to set before. But no matter what they did, we still loved them and forgave them because we realized that our beloved pets just wanted attention, play, and care about us. However, they sometimes know how to say sorry to us with a sad face. It makes us think they’re ashamed of what they’ve done.

Scroll down to enjoy! Has your furry friend ever done the craziest thing? Let us know in the comments.

h/t: Bright Side

#1. “Get off of your phone and take me for a walk.”

#2. “This big guy and his friends got into our newly built house and lived there for a month.”

#3. When you dog loves you so much that he decides to make your bed more comfortable:

#4. “At least you are going to let me sit here now.”

#5. “I love how no one looks thrilled in this situation.”

#6. “Well, I know that cats can be jerks, but this is not even our cat.”

#7. “Son, don’t ever talk to me again.”

#8. “You shouldn’t have trusted me.”

#9. “My mom keeps buying new yoga blocks… Her cat thinks there are other ways to calm your soul.”

#10. “Oh! What a lovely little garden! I need to fully enjoy it.”

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