Paws Planet

10+ Animals Who Have Incredible Expressions When Something Unexpected Happens

Scientists have shown that the most basic emotions in people and animals have similar neurological mechanisms. Moreover, pets live with us for a long time, so they also start forming their own habits and expectations concerning the world around them. But sometimes, unexpected things can get out of hand, and the results can be hilarious.

Many pet owners have to take pictures of their 4-legged friends because, most of the time, their expressions are incredible. We feel sorry for each of these animals, but it can’t prevent us from loving their sincere emotions. These funny animals keep us entertained and make us fall in love with their cuteness, their weird habits, and their loyal personalities.

#1. “I managed to snap a picture of a bird milliseconds from hitting my side mirror.”

#2. “We brought home a puppy and someone isn’t amused.”

#3. The face of real betrayal

#4. At the vet’s office:

#5. “Nimbus met our dog for the first time.”

#6. “I ordered a lion costume for my dog from eBay. Well… it’s not what I expected.”

#7. Went for a walk in the forest…

#8. “Somehow all of the neighborhood cats managed to get into our trampoline… We set them free.”

#9. “My parents’ new pupper misjudged his jump.”

#10. “This is Duffy. If you look closely, you can see exactly where the mud attacked him. Fortunately for the mud, there were no witnesses.”

#11. “My cat just had his first birthday party! He hated it.”

#12. “It’s extremely hot. Here’s our princess sitting in a huge container with water.”

#13. Someone doesn’t like to take baths.

#14. True pain can’t be faked.

#15. “I had just finished saying, ’I can’t believe she never falls in!’”

#16. “Sherlock isn’t allowed to eat sweets, so when I have tea, I put him on the balcony. Here’s what I usually see…”

We love hilarious and cute pictures of animals. So, if you have pictures your pets that didn’t expect the circumstances they found themselves in, please share it with us in comments!

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