If you are a pet owner, you will understand that owning a pet is one of the best ways to improve your health, and the most important thing is that they see you as family. But they’re still animals, and some of their actions are hilariously unexpected. Their behaviors are so surprising that even the most experienced pet owners are shocked by what they can do.
Fortunately, some pet owners captured these amazing moments with strange little antics, and we have collected a list below. So scroll down to look at these animals, who are masters of surprise. Warning: The results are delightful!
h/t: Bright Side
#1. I claim dis watermelon

#2. What? This isn’t what you meant when you said sit?

#3. Ever since my boss got a new puppy, the other 2 have been fighting to get attention

#4. Ever since my boss got a new puppy, the other 2 have been fighting to get attention

#5. My co-worker wanted to check-in on her dogs and realized she left the TV on

#6. My co-worker wanted to check-in on her dogs and realized she left the TV on

#7. How many cats does it take to change a light bulb?

#8. The question is not what he is doing there, but what this piece of ham is doing on him

#9. Left my baby husky alone for a minute, and I come back to this

#10. Out camping a few weekends back and while setting up the tent, I look over at my girlfriend’s dog and see this

#11. Making a bed out of these is simply jean-ius

#12. One dog chilling in a hot tub

#13. Someone please give this cat an exorcism

#14. Well Patricia, if you paid more attention to me we wouldn’t be in this position would we?

#15. I can’t leave you alone for one second, can I?

#16. So I walked into the great room and found my dog like this. This isn’t staged… she did this herself

#17. My friend works at a dog grooming spa, she turned around and saw this happening

#18. What? I’m just hanging out. Nothing unusual here

#19. Hmm