Paws Planet

People Use Their Free Time To Crochet Tiny Kitty Couches For Their Beloved Cats

During the lockdown, people use their free time to do their favorite things that they couldn’t do before. While some people use their time to cook or read books, some try out new craft projects. If you are a big fan of crafts or cats (or both), don’t skip this post because it is just for you!

Recently, some photos of the adorable mini kitty crochet couches appeared on crocheting communities, have gained everyone’s attention. Instead of watching movies on Netflix and Disney+, people use their free time to crochet tiny couches for their cats and share it on social media.

Here are some photos of tiny crochet cat couches. Scroll down to see! If you have crafts, please share it with us in the comment section at the end of the post!

















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