Paws Planet

People Are Sharing The Prettiest Photos Of Their Pets On Social Media

There’s one thing that we can agree on: nothing is cuter than animal photos. Even scientific studies have shown that simply looking at cute animal photos could be enough to improve a romantic relationship. So, no matter how bad your mood is, these cute pet pictures will improve your mood and make your day brighter!

In this post, we’ve rounded up the prettiest photos of pets that their humans have shared online. Scroll down to see for yourself!

#1 So Hard To Choose, But Love This One Of Merlin

#2 This Is Dennis’ Brother Antoine

#3 This Is Dennis’ Brother Antoine

#4 Rocket & Rosie

#5 Lily, She’ll Be 16 In February..

#6 Sophie Looking All Cute As A Puppers.

#7 We Miss This Beauty

#8 Cooper The Samoyed And His Little Sister Sophie

#9 Pretty But Crazy As A Loon…..

#10 Did Someone Say Cheese?

#11 Portrait Of A Lady On Catnip

#12 My Old Man Orange!

#13 This Family Picture

#14 This Is Finn, He Is A Husky And Samoyed Mix

#15 Cricket, My Bottle Calf. He Was Born To A Teenage Mom Who Couldn’t Feed Him. He Almost Died Twice, First At Birth And Later With Pneumonia. He’s A Tough Little Guy!

#16 This Is My Favorite Picture I Have Of My Newfi!

#17 Ariel, The Prettiest Dog Ever

#18 This Is Dennis

#19 One Of His Best Pictures

#20 Our Bearded Dragon, Tirppa. A Recue Lizard, Came To Us At 54g, Now 560g

#21 Teddy

#22 This Is My Handsome Boy Pierce Brosnan From One Of His Many Photo Shoots.

#23 Adorable, Cheeky Freya – Sister Of Merlin

#24 Sir Catto

#25 Ava Was A Shining Light In Our Lives. She Is Greatly Missed

#26 Rüdiger, Who Got An Eye Of You 😉

#27 Teddy Close Up- He’s Pretty Sick At Not Even 7 Years Old, Gotta Take Pics While I Can

#28 The Cutest Picture Of My Tiny Baby House Goat, Tay

#29 My Furry Godson Ghost

#30 Gale Would Like You To Share Your Cookie

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