Paws Planet

One-Eyed Rescue Cat Makes Friend With Bull Terrier And Now The Adorable Duo Becomes Inseparable

When 24-year-old Phoebe Gill saw a picture of Stitch, the one-eyed hairless cat, she fell in love with the poor cat and knew she had to adopt this sweet kitty.

“She had an injury to her eye, which would have been cured with medication, but her breeder didn’t take her to a vet,” the rescuer writes. “When it got worse, the breeder gave her up and the vet took her in and did the surgery to remove the eye as it was too late to be saved.”

Although Stitch was blind, this didn’t stop the woman from seeing beauty in her, and really wanted to adopt her. “[I] fell in love at first sight, and brought her home.”

After moving into Phoebe’s home, Stitch needed to not only get used to her new life without an eye, but she also needed to adjust to her new home and family. However, the only problem then was Phoebe had a bull dog at home. Scary.

So, Phoebe was worried about how the kitty would get along with her bullterrier, Alaska, and how the big dog would handle the new addition.

Thankfully, there was nothing to worry about because the dog and cat got along beautifully from their very first day together, and now they become inseparable.

“It used to be that Alaska (my dog) would follow me everywhere, toilet and shower included. Now, there are two,” the woman said. “They eat together, sleep together, play together and I’m pretty sure if Stitch was allowed outside they would also poop together,” Phoebe told Bored Panda.

What a sweet story! If you love the duo, you can see more of their pictures on Facebook page and Instagram.

Don’t forget to share this story with your friends and family members, and let us know your thoughts in the comments!

More info: Facebook | Instagram

H/t: Bored Panda

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