You might fall in love with pictures of a certain breed of dog and get it in your head that you want one of those. You want to find a new pet puppy but don’t know what breed to get? Luckily, Grace Gogarty has created a comprehensive comic series that will help you identify most doggos.
Gogarty has been drawing comics for years, She has been drawing comics since she was a kid,” Grace said. She absolutly loves animals they often become the main subjects of them. Dogs, however, have a special place in her heart and are kind of her specialty. “I worked as a supervisor at a doggy daycare for years and got to meet lots of dogs. The breeds featured in this guide are the breeds I met the most of.”
The puppy loving artist has divided her series into three parts– big, medium, and small dog breeds, depending on the size of the dogs. That way none of them is left out. “Sadly, I haven’t met every dog in the word yet, so I couldn’t write about them all,” claimed Gogarty, who owns a dog herself, yet has no idea what breed it is. “His Name is Huey and he is an enigma. We have no idea what kind of breeds he’s comprised of!”
Scroll down to see wonderfully informative and funny guide. It helps you decide your friend who you need in your house.
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