Animals are dominating the internet and stealing the spotlight every now and then. While cats and dogs always win the internet and social media, this time, it’s an adorable seal pup who caught everyone’s attention.

Photographer Johan Siggesson, of Zurrieq in Malta, snapped some lovely shots of of the happy seal waving to a camera while sunbathing on a beach on the Horsey beach in Norfolk. “It was an amazing experience to spend time with these seals. We had some horrible weather the first days with rain, hail, and wind,” the photographer detailed his experience.

With more than 3,000 pups born each year, Blakeney Point has the largest seal colony in England. For this reason, it is not rare to see seals sunbathing in the winter months on the east coast of the UK. However, this little seal is special one. In the adorable snaps, you can see the seal pup lying on the beach with a perplexed expression. It then holds up its flipper and waves in the air to say hello. The seal pup enjoyed having his picture taken so much he began waving for the camera.

Mr Siggeson wrote on Facebook: ‘Back to the babies again then… It’s easy to be drawn to these cuties when working on the beach here in the UK. If you lack a bit of inspiration there’s always a cute pup around.’
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