A kitten named Ichimi was abandoned by her mama and left to fend on her own. Fortunately for Ichimi, a Golden Retriever dog Ponzu and his owner Jessiepon took her in and started caring for the little kitten.
Ponzu is a very nurturing dog, he takes care of Ichimi very well. They play together all the time. Ponzu uses his body heat to keep the little kitten warm and comfy. He even cleans and sleeps together with the kitten.He has become the adorable “mother” when the orphan kitten was in need of some motherly love.
Ponzu lost his previous foster kitten Wasabi, a kitten that he and his owner rescued from a crow attack, died in August. He was heart broken until he found Ichimi. And then their beautiful relationship began. They both had a tough start but overcame the devastating grief with sweet love and a happy family.
Source: catsparella.com | Instagram
This little kitten went from abandoned by her mother…
Image credits: Instagram
Image credits: Instagram
Ponzu the big-hearted golden retriever adopted her.
Image credits: Instagram
Ichimi loves Ponzu, who has become the father she never had.
Image credits: Instagram
The two pals even celebrated the holiday season together.
Image credits: Instagram
Image credits: Instagram
Ponzu lost his previous foster kitten Wasabi, a kitten that he and his owner rescued from a crow attack, died in August.
Image credits: Instagram
They love to play together…
…and sleep together!

h/t: Bored Panda