
Fat Cat Art: I Insert My Ginger Cat Into Famous Paintings

Meet Svetlana Petrova, an artist from Russia and an extremely talented cat Zarathustra who adores posing for photos. This ginger cat is known for her ability to improve famous paintings. Zarathustra becomes a model and performance artist. He allows Svetlana to use all her painting, photography and Photoshop skills to insert his precious images into masterpieces of renowned artists of the past like Mona Lisa and Joconde. Now Svetlana has more than 7 000 photos of Zarathustra in her computer.
She believes that this Ginger cat saved her from getting into depression. Zarasthustra was dear to her mother as well and this is the reason why Svetlana and the cat have developed such strong bond.
The book “Fat Cat Art: Famous Masterpieces Improved by a Ginger Cat with Attitude” that appeared in English, Chinese and Korean, and Japanese edition is coming soon. Zarathustra the Cat’s apparitions at famous scenes give new meanings to the iconic works of art and you can see familiar stories from an absolutely different point of view.
Here are some adventures of Zarathustra the cat in the history of art!

More info: | Fat Cat Art Book

#1. Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa, True Version

#2. Salvador Dali, The Persistence of Meowmory

#3. Jacques-Louis David, Napoleon Crossing the Alps

#4. Edgar Degas, The Ballet Class

#5. David, The Death Of Marat. Je suis Charlie

#6. Andrea Mantegna, Oculus (Ceiling Fresco)

#7. Pygmalion And Galatea, Jean-Léon Gérôme

#8. Karl Bryullov, A Rider On The Cat

#9. Jacob Jordaens, The Feast Of Cats And Humans

#10. Carracci Perseus And Phineas Cat

Famous movies improved by cats:

“Some Like it Kot” – Zarathustra the cat reenacts Marilyn Monroe singing “I Wanna Be Loved By You” in  “Some Like It Hot”

Sunset Boulevard II – “I am ready for my close-up!” –  Zarathustra reenacts Gloria Swanson

Ginger Kitten Shows No Signs Of Life Until They See A Little Twitch Of Hope

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