Paws Planet

Cat With The Grumpiest Face Makes Everyone At Shelter Fall In Love With Him

Let’s meet Saul, a cat with the grumpiest face who was rescued in London. On October 15th, Saul was spotted wandering the streets of London, England, with some injuries. The good Samaritan who found him reached out to the RSPCA as the kitty needed immediate medical attention.

Source:  RSPCA’s Putney Animal Hospital

Staff at RSPCA’s Putney Animal Hospital took care of Saul, and he slowly began to heal. But there is something incredibly unique about him. No matter what kind of mood he’s in or how he’s feeling, Saul always has the grumpiest face.

Source:  RSPCA’s Putney Animal Hospital

Staff at the hospital are unsure if Saul’s grumpy face is due to his past injuries or just something he was born with, but regardless, it’s clear that his constantly grumpy expression is there to stay.

Source:  RSPCA’s Putney Animal Hospital

Whether he’s all cuddled up with one of his friends or just happily observing what’s going on around him, Saul’s face stays perpetually grumpy.

Source:  RSPCA’s Putney Animal Hospital

Once Saul is ready, he will move to the adoption center at Southall and start looking for his forever-loving home. Everyone at the hospital has quickly fallen in love with Saul and his unique look and they know it won’t be long before the perfect family falls in love with him, too.

Source:  RSPCA’s Putney Animal Hospital

“We’re sure someone will fall in love with this glum-looking puss,” Allen said. “In fact, we think he could be a bit of a star. We’re sure he’d give Grumpy Cat a run for his money — that’s why we’re affectionately nicknaming him Grumpy Cat 2.0!”

Source:  RSPCA’s Putney Animal Hospital

h/t: People

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