Paws Planet

Bobcat Sitting on Top of 40 Foot Tall Cactus in the Arizona Desert

Meet Curt Fonger, an accomplished nature photographer from Gold Canyon, Arizona. He has started shooting images since 1974 when he just was 24 years old.

Curt and his wife Marta Saint-James are living in the beautiful Sonoran Desert. The couple loves hiking and exploring the vast South West. They have also traveled many times to Argentina, South America, where they captured the beauty of nature and people with their lens.

One day, Curt received a phone call from a friend whose crew of workers was working in Arizona desert. He said that one of his workers had seen a bobcat being chased by a mountain lion. Amazingly, the bobcat climbed up to the top of a 40 foot tall Saguaro cactus to escape from the mountain lion and it succeeded.

The mountain lion looked up at the bobcat, growled several times. However, the little bobcat was comfortable at the top and wouldn’t give in to a predator. After a few minutes, the lion had to give up and walk off.

He added: “Although it may be common for a bobcat to escape one of it’s major predators, it is very uncommon to have witnessed such an event first hand. I personally examined the base of the giant cactus after the bobcat had left. ‘There was no hair or blood – only claw marks.”

Curt’s friend said he was amazed to see the bobcat so peaceful, he even fell asleep while the lion was growling. Its a successful story of a bobcat avoided being eaten by a mountain lion with a happy ending.

Thankfully, the photographer captured the drama unfolded on the Giant Saguaro Cactus. No one really expects a bobcat to sit on the top of the cactus, right? Watch the video of the bobcat atop the Saguaro cactus below:

h/t: White Wolf Back