Paws Planet

Blind Golden Retriever And His Own ‘Seeing-Eye’ Dog Are Warming People’s Hearts

Meet Jake, a 2-year-old Golden Retriever who lost his vision, and his best roommate, Addie. Despite being blind, Jake is happy because his friend is always with him and helps him get accustomed to his new life.

According to Jake’s owner, “We got Jake after our previous Golden Molly passed away, and Addie came into our lives after our Golden Wrigley died. Jake was very sad after his buddy was gone, and we knew he needed a sibling.”

Everything seemed normal until his owners noticed that he was no longer producing tears. They took him to a vet and gave him the best treatments. However, his problems steadily deteriorated, and they couldn’t save his eyes.

“Over the subsequent months, in spite of trying every medication recommended by our vet’s eye specialist as well as multiple surgeries, his eyes steadily deteriorated.”

At that time, they were faced with a painful decision that no pet owner ever wants to make. They have to remove Jake’s eyes or have him put to sleep. Both options seemed so cruel, but they decided to remove his eyes to keep his life. Jake is now blind and will never see the sunlight again.

At first, his parents were worried, but thanks to the help of Addie, Jake can now live a normal and happy life. Addie has proven herself to be both a loyal guide and companion. Jake is also letting his owners know that his months of pain are over and he is so good.

“Jake follows Addie’s sound and smell. After Jake’s surgery, Addie wore a little bell on her collar for a while until he got used to tracking her on his own.”

“He still bumps into things now and then, but he also navigates the house and our neighborhood walks with surprising ease. And thankfully, his playful nature has returned!”

People are incredibly happy to see that Addie’s there for her best friend. The story of Jake and Addie shows that difficulties not only test you, but also reveal who your actual friends are.

Do you love Jake and his friend, Addie? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to share with your friends and family!

h/t: Bored Panda

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