An artist goes by the nickname Barbie LovesDisney, made a series of artworks about what would happen if cats were the subjects of famous paintings. Needless to say, the results are spectacular!

When it comes to ideas and inspiration, the artist revealed the surprising inspiration behind her artwork.

“Looking at historical artworks takes me right back to that time; I start daydreaming about that moment with the artist and his subject. What were they talking about? What did the artist leave out? How long was the subject sitting before their pets jumped into their lap for a cuddle?”

By adding cats to famous paintings, the artist has created “reimagined” artworks that are winning the Internet’s hearts. “I created these “reimagined” artworks using my cats, and the artwork I love and admire.”

The artist also said, “We run a little TNR (trap-neuter-release) program in our neighborhood and kept these four kittens when they were trapped. They were difficult to tame, but we fell in love with them as we got to know them.”

If you love these artworks, you can follow the artist on Instagram to see more awesome pictures.
#1. “Mother And Child” With Moochie, Peter Fendi

#2. “Bubbles” With Moochie, Jean Siméon Chardin

#3. “Portrait Of A Woman Reading” With Moochie, Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy

#4. “Knitter Asleep” With The Dumpling, Jean-Baptiste Greuze

#5. “Idle Woman” With Beezie, Daniel Hernández Morillo

#6. “Breton Girl Looking After Plants In The Hothouse” With Moochie, Anna Petersen

#7. “Unknown Man” With Baby Bee, John Downman

#8. “Three Dancers In An Exercise Hall” And Moochie, Edgar Degas

#9. “Young Maria De Medici” With Giorgio, Santi Di Tito

#10. “A Harem Beauty” With Ginger Snap, Henri Guillaume Schlesinger

#11. “Die Lauscherin” With Beezie, Peter Fendi

#12. “Lady With A Lorgnette” With Giorgio, József Borsos

#13. “Girl With Cherries” With Baby Dumpling, Giovanni Ambrogio De Predis

#14. “Lilacs In A Window” With Giorgio, Mary Cassatt

#15. “In The Garden” With Baby Bee, Elizabeth Jane Gardner Bouguereau

#16. “Le Repos” With Giorgio And Dumpling, Paul Peel

#17. “The Bath” With Beezie, Alfred Stevens

#18. “Desnudo Femenino” With Lawrence, J. Olive

#19. “Margaret, Countess Of Blessington” With Giorgio, Sir Thomas Lawrence

#20. “Madame David” With Giorgio, Jacques Louis David

#21. “Vanity” With Giorgio, Auguste Toulmouche

#22. “Wife Of Dr. Johann Stephan Reuss” With The Dumpling, Lucas Cranach The Elder

#23. “Portrait Of The Three Daughters Of Julius Johann Von Vieth Und Gossenau” With Lawrence, Anton Graff

#24. “Baby Playing On The Floor” With Moochie, Thomas Eakins

#25. “Portrait Of A Lady” With Giorgio, Antonio Correggio