Paws Planet

These Animals Have Made Huge Mistakes And Now Regret Them Bitterly

Humans are not the only ones who make mistakes in life and immediately regret things we’ve done. Much like us, animals are always getting themselves into trouble with their wrong decisions. They have behaviors that do not always fit in with what’s expected or what works. However, they seem to understand that they made a huge mistake and that they need to do something to deal with this problem. They feel regret and shame, probably because they have stayed next to humans for so long.

For this reason, we continue to share with you 20 pictures of animals who have realized that they have made all sorts of wrong turns in life. Has your pet ever made any hilarious “mistakes?” Scroll down to enjoy these pictures, and feel free to share your story and pictures with us in the comments.

h/t: Bright Side

#1. Let me in

#2. I’ve made a huge mistake

#3. I won’t ask what they were looking at

#4. I’ve done nothing wrong, I was just playing

#5. Mom, I didn’t hear you come in

#6. Nope, haven’t seen him all day

#7. Hopper vs Chair

#8. This stinker managed to get her paws on a croissant and then promptly stuck it in my slipper

#9. There was going to be some leftover birthday pizza until Ellie intervened

#10. Why would you hang a fabric octopus in front of the doors if I’m not supposed to play with it?

#11. Cliff deeply regrets destroying his birthday present in under 15 mins… Happy Birthday, Cliff!

#12. I can never get a nice picture of them all together

#13. I wonder if my cat realizes he’s about fall to his demise

#14. Mom… help!! I don’t know how to climb down now

#15. My cat knocked over my cereal box because SHE’S on a diet and not me… jerk

#16. My dog was very distressed about this

#17. No sharing, it’s all mine

#18. He’d been trying to get on top of the door for weeks! He has finally achieved his goal… ish

#19. This good boy is also guilty boy

#20. Mistakes were made

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