Paws Planet

Puppy Instantly Regrets His House Escape Attempt, Then Rings Doorbell To Get Back Inside

Have we ever done something that we instantly regretted and realized it was a bad decision? I think that regret happens to all of us at least once in a lifetime, and surprisingly, this feeling is not unique to just humans.

Image Credits: Youtube/Storyful

This three-month-old puppy named Marshall managed to escape from his roof in Spokane, Washington, but immediately regretted his decision. When he realized that he had made a huge mistake, he tried going back into the house. First, he scratched the door, and then he used his nose to ring the doorbell a few times.

Image Credits: Youtube/Storyful

The whole scene was captured by a surveillance camera, and thankfully, someone heard Marshall and opened the door to let him back into the house. Take a look at the video below; you’ll see the adorable Marshall pup struggle to get inside.

Watch the video here!

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H/T: Ilovemydogsomuch

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