Paws Planet

12 Facts About Dogs You Probably Didn’t Know About

Dogs are pretty damn cool. They make fantastic companions to humans, are adorable and fuzzy, very loyal, overwhelmingly cuddly, and friendly! Even though dogs have been living around us for a very long time, you might still find something surprising in this article.

Do you think you know everything there is to know about your companions? Think again! Check out these interesting facts you may have never heard. Please share with your friends and family!

#1. Dogs did not originate from wolves.

Modern wolves are not ancestors of dogs. Dogs originated from an entirely different species that disappeared thousands of years ago. Modern American and European wolves are only very distant relatives of dogs, despite the fact that their DNA matches by 99%.

#2. Dogs are champions in a variety of sizes and shapes.

Due to the breeding process, these days we have a huge variety of dog breeds with different colors, sizes, shapes, fur, and physical characteristics.  It is believed that there are more than 400 dog breeds in the world and this is actually just the best guesstimate since it’s constantly growing due to artificial selection.
There is, however, one limit to this variety. The physiology of all dogs, from Chihuahua to Great Dane, is based on the physiology of the ancient wolf.

#3. Dogs have a second nose.

The dog’s second nose is known as the vomeronasal organ, also called Jacobson’s Organ. Jacobson’s Organ is a “sense of smell” receptor that is actually not receptive to ordinary odors like the ones humans can sense. In other words, dogs have a double nose — one that’s sensitive and another one that is super-sensitive.

#4. A dog’s nose has a unique print.

Not just dogs, but cats as well. A dog’s nose print is unique just like a human’s fingerprint, which means a nose print can be used to accurately identify a dog. Look closely and you will see line and ridge patterns on their cute little noses!

#5. Dogs sometimes pretend to be sick just to get attention.

Owners often say that their dogs learn to pretend to be sick or injured to get more attention. They are very quick learners after all.

#6. Dogs can recognize colors.

Dogs are not colorblind! Although the color range they can see is limited compared to what we can see, they do indeed see more than just black, white and gray as the canine color spectrum consists mostly of yellows, blues, and violets.

#7. Dogs can smile.
Dogs smile, but not always for the same reasons that we do. Apparently dogs smile to convince their master to give them affection. But a smile does not always mean the dog is happy, it can actually be a sign of nervousness. It does look very cute though.

#8. Dogs only sleep belly up in places they feel safe.

Sleeping belly-up is only common for domesticated pets, which is not surprising as it is a very defenseless posture. And even domesticated dogs won’t show their bellies if they don’t feel safe and comfortable. But this doesn’t mean that if your dog never sleeps this way that he or she doesn’t feel safe. It’s a personal choice after all.

#9. Dogs don’t feel guilty.

Many owners believe that a naughty dog feels guilty, but scientists say that this guilty look is just a reaction to the gestures and behavior of the owner in that moment. The feeling of guilt is a very complex emotion, the dog simply fears getting into trouble. At some point, your dog learned that when he or she makes these “I’m so sorry” eyes, your heart melts.

#10.  Dogs are really hot
What a hot dog! But not the kind you find at baseball games! The average dog body temperature is 101 to 103 degrees F. Unfortunately, fleas love hot dog bodies, so make sure you protect your buds against these itchy pests!

#11. Dogs instinctively look for contact with people.

Most of the time a puppy’s instincts tell him that the best way to survive is to be near a human, usually their owner. That is why many dogs feel very unsettled when they are left alone at home: at that moment it seems to them that they have been abandoned forever and no one will take care of them anymore.

#12. Dogs are very attached to people.

Many mammals are capable of experiencing emotions, like love, fear, and anxiety, but dogs are known for expressing more emotions than any other animal. In addition, dogs understand human body language and their tone of voice.

Source: BrightSide

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