Paws Planet

Clever Kitten Named ‘Mulder’ Has Figured Out How To Open Doors

Kristian Svenson from Lakewood, Colorado, caught his pet tabby sneakily managing to open doors around the house. This clever tuxedo tabby kitten named Mulder enjoys opening doors like a human every morning and waking his owner up by hanging off the doorknob.

Svenson couldn’t put up with his cat’s behavior any longer, so he came up with a plan on how to stop Kitty Mulder. He put a homemade water trap in front of a closed door. This wasn’t enough to stop Mulder, however. The little cat simply jumped above the water trap and onto the doorknob, pulled the door open, and then calmly stepped inside.

Sven is now never safe from his cat, as the intuitive moggy has figured out how to open doors.

Scroll down for a funny video about this smart cat!

He put a homemade water trap in front of a closed door.

Image: @YouTube

This wasn’t enough to stop Mulder

Image: @YouTube

The agile feline is seen leaping up at the handle and using his body weight to pull it down

Image: @YouTube

He then hops back down and waits for the door to open until he leaps through to the other side

Image: @YouTube

The little cat calmly stepped inside.

Image: @YouTube

Watch video here!

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