Paws Planet

20 Adorable Animal Friendships That Will Melt Your Heart

There are some people out there that still believe that animals are dumb creatures who don’t have feelings and don’t understand the concept of friendship. But in fact, animals are capable of feeling love and making enduring friends just like we are. Some cats find their soulmates in dogs, some dogs find that pigs and bunnies are their best friends. They play together, go out together, eat together, sleep together, and even make messes together sometimes.

If you don’t believe animals have strong friendship just like us, 20 animal friendships we’ve gathered here will change your mind immediately. Scroll down to check for yourself!

1. To mess with the kitty, you gotta deal with her large pupper friend.

2. And there are some BFFs with reversed roles too.

3. When you and your best friend have different personalities:

4. “My cat Maui told my dog Buster a funny joke.”

5. Animals with the same kind of floof stick together.

6. Real friendships are beyond size.

7. My cats like to sit and judge my dog together.

8. When they are apart, they are still together.

9. “My cat gets protective whenever it’s time to put our dog in their room to sleep.”

10. My dog Lady and her best pal Dino the turtle during their playtime

11. Babysat my friend’s 2-week-old lambs, they’re always together.

12. Can’t tell who loves who more.

13. When the whole gang gets together:

14. My friend’s guinea pig and dog eating watermelon together

15. They were born the same week and have been best friends ever since.

16. “2 of our new bucklings are inseparable!”

17. “Got my dog an emotional support kitten, this was their first week together.”

18. “When we got them, the shelter said they HAD to be adopted together. They demonstrate why on a daily basis.”

19. “Jager made a new friend while he was in the garden.”

20. “My Terrier always sits on my Golden Lab.”

Does your furry friend have a best friend? Share their cute photos with us in the comments! Don’t forget to share this post wirth your friends and family members!

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