Paws Planet

20+ Animals Who Won Our Hearts Thanks To Their Expressive Faces

You might not believe, but animals have expressive abilities and express their emotions through their faces. They can’t speak, but they have very varied facial expressions that can tell us what they are thinking and how they are feeling.

Here are some animals whose faces are so expressive that they deserve an Oscar for their emotions and expressions. From puppies with perplexed expressions to cats with grumpy faces, each photo shows just how expressive animals can be. Scroll down to check out the hilarious and adorable animals!

1. “My friend’s cat just sits there and judges you.”

2. “Maybe if I stick my tongue out and close my eyes they won’t notice me.”

3. “I can’t believe that just happened.”

4. “He did what?!”

5. “Are you doubting me?”

6. “Look into my eyes and forget that I broke the vase…”

7. “I thought I told you to go away!”

8. “Mooooom! There’s a flying cockroach!”

9. “I can smell a treat. Do you have one for me?”

10. “Did you say cheese?!”

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