Paws Planet

15+ Photos That Show How Cute And Warm Cats Are When They Sleep

Cats are a bit different to dogs and other pets in that they’ll generally spend most of their day sleeping. Not only do they love sleeping, but they are true masters of sleeping. In fact, they can fall asleep at any time, any place, and any circumstances.

Our feline friends are always cute, but there is something special in the way they sleep that we can’t resist. That’s the reason why we decided to gather some sleeping cat pics to share with our readers. When they sleep, like in these pictures, we’re sure you’ll agree they’re cute and warm. Scroll down to check for yourself!

#1. “Guess I’m not working today…”

#2. “She outgrew the bowl a long time ago but refuses to sleep anywhere else…”

#3. How do you like this ballet show?

#4. And they say it’s healthy to sleep on something hard…

#5. “My beloved colleague”

#6. “She suddenly fell asleep like this while I was just playing with her.”

#7. When you want to be as close as possible to someone you love:

#8. “Yeah, what do you want?”

#9. “My cats now only sleep together.”

#10. “I take my cat on adventures but he just sleeps right through them.”

#11. “A cat from a nearby farm brought her kitten to me.”

#12. “This is his favorite place to sleep.”

#13. “Don’t let this picture fool you. Earlier, he fell asleep while biting my arm.”

#14. “Taking a nap in my wife’s purse”

#15. “My British shorthair sleeping on his favorite chair”

#16. “He’s going to be angry when I have to go back to work.”

#17. “Oh look, it’s on sale.”

What do you think about these sleeping cats? Tell us your thoughts and share any similar images you have with us in the comments below!

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