Paws Planet

20+ Cat Photos You Won’t Believe Are Not Photoshopped

If you are a cat owner, you certainly know that cats never cease to amaze you with their unforgettable or ridiculous actions. You realize these fluffy animals are masters of sleep, and they can sleep all day long. However, one thing you probably didn’t know is that they are also masters of disguise. Some cats are born with extra-special markings that make them different from all others. These cats are so unique that many people won’t believe they are real. And sometimes, they even think that these cats were photoshopped.

Here are some awesome cat photos that, at first, hardly seem authentic but are totally real. These cats have the most unique fur markings and patterns that were created by nature and had no help from Photoshop. If you don’t believe it, scroll down to check for yourself!

1. A Valentine’s day kitty

2. These ocean eyes

3. A cat with another cat on their face

4. The cutest vampire alive

5. A cat with a chessboard on its face

6. When the cat factory ran out of ink:

7. He looks like Groucho.

8. “My parents’ cat has a half and half face. The color of her gums is also half and half.”

9. A charming cat with heterochromia

10. “You can hear him running from another galaxy.”

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