Paws Planet

Stubborn Cat Pretends Not To Like New Baby – Then Gets Caught Sneaking Into Crib To Nap With Her

Sunny is a senior cat who spent almost half of his life in a rescue shelter, waiting for someone to find and adopt him. Thankfully, he finally found his forever home and quickly fell in love with his new life.

“We got him from a shelter five years ago, at the age of 8,” Shannon Richardson, Sunny’s mom, told The Dodo. “He spent six years of his life looking for a new home, and as soon as we met him, we had to adopt him!”

Sunny was completely happy with his life and routine until his parents brought home a new little sister named Hazel. Although he loved his parents, he was not pleased with the new member that they took in.

“When we first brought Hazel home, he did not care for her much,” Richardson said. “We put the infant carrier down, and he sniffed her, then walked away and went and ate his dinner.”

The stubborn cat didn’t care about the baby Hazel, and he even spent many months trying to show that he didn’t like her. His actions and attitude made his parents wonder if he would love his new sister. And everything was clear when they happened to glance at the baby monitor.

Sunny snuck into Hazel’s room after she was tucked in bed. He jumped up into her crib and curled up next to her before falling asleep. As it turns out, Sunny just pretends to not like Hazel. He loves her and likes to snuggle with her every chance he gets. He even follows her around whenever she’s crying to make sure that she’s okay.

“He actually jumped in her crib this morning when she was crying and nuzzled against her,” Richardson said. “She has not exactly gotten the hang of petting, so she grabbed him, and he just stayed there. He is such a good boy.”

We are happy to know that Sunny and Hazel become best friends. If you love their great bond, please share this article with your friends and family members!


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